There is my place in the world
Waiting for me to rest from my labours
It is with form and it is kind
I have to search for it as it is
written on gold, a fast affirmation
good home from home
Let us gather in the doorway to
welcome the King our master
to our dinner and feast.
He has given me the keys:
to find complete comfort and rest
Please keep up your search
You will be delighted with what
you find. I plead with you to join us
in the expedition of life uncovered
Fail not in your work but continue
in your quest to find a rest.
There are no places of land
There foundation is a firm and
tested in the earth. Think not
of paradise for it is bent
Life is a solid piece of peace
Come to us you who labour
for painful sake and drink of this
wine of gifts that gives life.
I am warned to be level-headed
My words are a pillar of wisdom
follow after them in your life
and your life will excel finding no death.
There is no comfort in life but agony
and toil even agony for the gods.
There peace is tried and tested
simple words cause them chaos and connivance
we are at peace with the earth.