

When did childish images fade

Innocence lost while memories made

Time has stolen candy coated dreams

And traded them for get-rich-quick schemes

Grow a few feet and at what inch,

Does our confidence begin to flinch?

Ears grow larger but we listen less,

To the sounds of the earth and more to the mess.

In the mirror, no longer see

A princess or a hero, I just see me.

In our youth, we knew the meaning of grass

The trees, and the mud all sang in tune,

Alas! we were never home by noon.

Adventure and romance once admired,

Until responsibilities and bills were acquired

Though in our growth, we learned a lot

Much was gained, however, much was lost

Each day that passes reminds me, we can never go back

To the memories of mudedd knees and mid-day snacks

Is it so wrong to want to be this young?

To wish for joy without getting stung?

I want to go back to when life was simpler and kind

When it was easier to achieve an enormous heart and growing mind.

To learn is to grow

And as adults we ought to know,

When the road presents flowers, take a deep breath

Jump off of rocks and never fear death

When apples grow on trees, stop yourself and eat

When you ride the bus, always be ready to give up your seat

As you go about your day, don’t see it as mundane

Listen to others, and sing their pain away

Growing up is hard to do,

But remember, others go through it too.