
The Right Thing

I have no idea what I should do

I\'ve forgotten exactly what I feel for you


It doesn\'t mean I no longer care,

just that we both

have more to work out

When you wake in the morning

is your first thought about

Me or Her?

Could I even put you first?


Or would I only be holding you back,

just a tether to the bliss that couldn\'t possibly last?

Is my only appeal connected to

the weight of what\'s in front of you?

Are you only holding on to me

just to hold to anything?


I wish there was just a sliver of chance here

for us to explore the questions unanswered,

to see if we even could be something...


But the reality of it is

you have another life, another love,

someone else to think of.

I\'m not worth giving that up.

But of course I wish I was.