
Clarinet Duet

There it sat in front of us,

The new music for us to play,

A duet for two clarinets.

Our instruments went to our mouths,

And the notes were played,

My wife playing first clarinet

And myself second.

Not brilliant as it was our first attempt,

Suddenly it went wrong.

“You’re wrong!” she said,

“I am not! I replied.

So we started again,

A bit better this second time

Until it all went wrong again,

In the same place.

“What are you doing” she said,

With a raised voice,

“I am playing what’s written”

I replied strongly,

“You can’t be! I am playing what is written,

It must be you!”

“No it must be you!” I shouted.

We studied the music

And realised that we were both

Playing what was written,

The music was wrong,

An extra beat had been put in

To the bar of the second clarinet,

And this was the cause

Of all our trouble.

We were both right,

Peace was restored.