

Heart of stone, but full of love.

Or like, or whatever it is that I\'m feeling.

I hate not knowing what I\'m feeling.

I hate not knowing what you\'re feeling. 

My eyes light up at the thought of you, 

But my heart aches. 

There\'s a rock with your name in it that was afloat, 

But now sinks when I\'m taunted with your name. 

It hits the bottom of my black heart with an echoing thud

And I can\'t tell if it\'s from elation, or desperation.

But when we talk, I can\'t help but smile and laugh.

I feel safe and happy talking to you because I know you mean it. 

But what do I mean?

What do I mean to you? 

What do I mean when I say I like you?

What do I do with my empty, overfilling heart?