
Your house..

I drove round to your house last night
And just stared at your door
I looked at it just thinking I won\'t walk through it anymore....
I\'ll never stand there waiting, with my heart missing a beat
To hear the lock click open and our eyes to gently meet...

I drove round to your house last night And stared up at your room
I looked for a soft glow against the autumn evening gloom
I thought about the times when we both lay there warm at rest.
I thought about the comfort of my head against your chest.

I drove round to your house last night and just stared at your car...
I had to feel that close to you when you are just so far.
I thought about our summer days, the mile after mile
When I watch you driving and internally just smile...

I drove round to your house last night and tears streamed down my face...
What was once a haven is now an empty place
There is no welcome here for me...I never should of come
A heart so full of sorrow, a head completely numb.

I drove round to your house last night... what a desperate plea!
I would of been so horrified if you\'d caught sight of me
I just wanted to sit there, to cry away my I can feel some ending and start my life again.

I drove round to your house last night and just stared at your door...
I looked at it just knowing you don\'t love me anymore....