

I heard something today,
that made me question humanity.
Apparently a smart-phone exists,
That will make you look younger, automatically.

At what point did we reach,
When a device makes the decision.
To amend your appearance,
So all wrinkles and creases are hidden?

The scariest point of all,
is that this feature was likely requested.
And as long as profits are increased,
The Manufacturer wont contest it.

Maybe it just gets to me,
A little bit too much.
But why are people so obsessed,
With their image and how they look.

It ruins peoples confidence,
Destroys their self esteem.
People actually start to believe,
This is how they must be seen!

What kind of message,
Is it they\'re sending to my daughter?
\"You\'re not \'perfect\' enough,
Take a picture i will show ya!\"

But its my Fatherly Duty,
To make sure she that she sees,
That she\'s a natural beauty,
And she means everything to me.