Orialis M. Pena

The Art of \"Getting Better\"

I hear people say that

\"It\'s gonna get better\"

And it\'s not that I don\'t believe them!

No - actually, it\'s the way they say it that bothers me.


They say it as if when things get better they will stay that way.

As if the cruel reality won\'t take away that ray of sunshine once again.


They forget to tell you that things don\'t just get better.

They neglect to tell you that after things get better, they downspiral again, making you feel more helpless than before.


And after they get worse, they get better again, just to downspiral once more.

Leaving you to wonder if you\'re getting worse at getting better or getting better at getting worse.


Because every time things get better again, you loose a little bit of trust; and it gets to the point where \"better\" turns into \"lost\".