
Forgiveness Freedom

Tune: Binchester

(\'Happy are they, they that love God\')

John 8 v.1-11 part


John\'s Gospel Series (8)


Woman was in adultery

Caught, brought to Jesus, see

And seeking to trap Him to say

She must be done away


Must needs be stoned, that Moses\' law

They said to Jesus sure

But His love, compassion, concern

Did cause Him then to turn


To turn to them, to say, \'He who

Has no sin, cast stone new

He be the first to her condemn\'

But things they did change then


For convicted by their conscience

They left and went from thence

Jesus and woman left alone

Here sense His gracious tone


For they had left, her accusers

Forgiveness He confers

On her, says He condemns not, for

She to go, [and] sin no more