
Evangelistic Expressions

Tune: Christchurch

(\'Now is eternal life\')


A fire, a light, a flame

Your ever-living name

You Lord of all above

Still reigning in your love

And you too Lord of all below

We know you, you did us first know


Help us to seek in you

Your ways right, good, and true

Not to turn unto self

To find our soul\'s true wealth

But salvation in you is found

Our hearts rejoice, a joyful sound


Where we distracted be

Help us your way to see

To follow on sure, strong

With your aid all along

Taking each step with you our guide

Who do in lowly hearts reside


There found a great treasure

Your Spirit does assure

Us of your presence true

You do our lives renew

And so to share that rich, full store

That others saved too evermore


Light of our darkness, we

May fail, poor sinners be

But in your forgiveness

You do restore and bless

We your people, your children be

Confident in you, even me


By your grace we shall live

And to you praises give

Share you in word and deed

And meeting human need

Through your strength, your enabling

Other souls we shall to you bring