

An empty forgotten church 

Welcomed a soul lost in his search

With stained windows fading and broken

Into emptiness where only silence was spoken 


He trudged with a heart full of dark

Heavy boots on stone aisle left his mark

A stain that would never be clean

Dark footprints to show where he\'d been


Winds whispered through emptiness

Sweet orchestra sung of endlessness

Compelled; perhaps enchanted by her spell

His heart became heavy, when at her alter he fell


Though the darkness filled his eyes

He sensed beyond her dark disguise

She painted pictures in his mind

Designs only ever his to find


He quenched the desert of his heart

Knelt within her darkest part

He saw his hands begin to glow

With knowledge only he could know


He reached with certain apprehension

His burning hand, a candle\'s flame set in motion

Her soul was on fire, like the rising of the dead 

Fierce flame burning, his heart filled with dread


As the flame lit up the secrets of darkness

It began to ignite a rage he could not harness

As she set fire to alter and pew

His eyes were filled with sights no man knew


He awoke from the nightmare safe in his bed

But visions of her fire tormented his head

Years would pass, yet the smoke still spanned

Across countries and oceans, invading his land


Whispering to him and to his kin too

Speaking of things that only he knew

Begging and pleading to burn in her fire

Or cast oceans to drown her and end her desire


Illumination that came from his touch

Unleashing a fire that was always too much 

Screaming with flames that cannot be put out

Longing to go back to alone and cast out



Too much to survive

Too much to extinguish 

She\'s burning alive

For fire in his fingers


Too much to survive

Too much to extinguish

Please take her soul

And grant her forgiveness