Kurt Philip Behm

I Stand Accused (+4)

No more book fairs or tours

 no autographs signed


My words are my gift

 the privacy mine


No talk shows or fetes

 New York Times to eschew


Questions unanswered

 —my thoughts unreviewed


(Villanova Pennsylvania: October, 2018)



Baptism Of Fire


His spirit denounced

 his body on fire


His words rechristened

 —the past but a liar


(Villanova Pennsylvania: October, 2018)



Pieces Of My Heart


I lose myself over and over

  before finding my way again


Promises surely I will break

  pieces—my heart to mend


(Villanova Pennsylvania: January, 2014)



Lost Forever



 drowning the words

 in false harmony



  lost forever

  inside the verse


(Villanova Pennsylvania: October, 2013)



Those Who Give


Those of us who give nothing

  ask everything…

    —from those who give it all


(Villanova Pennsylvania: October, 2013)