kevin browne

Let Love Live Forever.


I\'ll love you until the end of every tear
Where pastures flow with the beauty of life
And, I\'ll follow you until the end of every year
We\'ll go with the wind and we\'ll take up our flight.

Why won\'t our tears every time we crumble and cry
Open our rainbows where we can stand in the light
To be able to see why won\'t our tears run into dry
And, the stars to shine on us all through the night.

Loving the bright sunny skies, we\'ll kiss the Sun
Where the promises are given to warm us all up
We\'ll fall off the Moon, the stars will make us one
For teardrops will drown if we don\'t love enough.

Sensation requests from the Lord who asks us why?
That caught up the fast lane of shining in gold
To be in between Heaven and Earth and never to die
Say it before I do, my love, I\'ll love you until we grow old.

Grey clouds fall down onto the hopes of our dreams
The rain has covered our shadows that pass drearily
sometimes we wonder, to wonder what it all means
There in the secrets are why we love you so dearly.

Quickstep and back to everything we have ever done
Those memories we made when tears ran from our eyes
Standing on the edge of it our endurance stood strong
Flowers grow up where all the roses let out their cries.

When sometimes I wonder if the music is sweet
Tender and soft are the hearts that we all give
Somewhere we listen for the love we must greet
I\'ll blow you a kiss lasting forever to help us all live.

So, there in our sight is a life waiting for the truth
The lies have led down on their pillows of dread
And when you grow old you grow old in the tooth
Be careful enough so we don\'t fall with the dead.

Let us come back to where we first started 
We\'ll sing with the songs which started romance
Pray for the distance so that we\'ll never be parted
Live for the now and let love show us its chance.

Catch hold of our hearts, make sure everything\'s done
Catch colds from the air, but we\'ll warm up together
Catch hold of God to make sure nothing goes wrong
Catch hold of our hands and let love live forever.