
Aabb or Abab

I learned a great fact yesterday...
To pen a poem, the rhythm and rhyme 
Should not such an importance play

But deep down meaning is the key
‘Twas yes! the essence of the poem 

(The stuttering insect: a, a, b, b! 
Or the panicked child: A bee! A bee!) 
The poem I read that antecedes? 

I\'m on a journey, and much, much more
A country town, a country house 
A store abandoned years before

And at the journey\'s fateful end 
A grandma\'s diary had been found
Her long life\'s story explored therein

And when the reading was complete
(The story led to a vision rare) 
I had, myself, a will to meet

The ‘gramma\' with her lovely face 
And her life\'s story, her address
That were discovered in that place

So even though there may be rhyme
In my attempt to replicate
A poem cleffed at an earlier time

My hope is that a meaning clear
Will be discerned and understood
By all those reading, and poem(book) worms near

I\'ll concentrate now from this time
More on the essence of the poem
Than on the rhythm and the rhyme

My gratefulness today is giv\'n
To a new friend not found afar
But found right here, in my poem\'s heaven

MsSmith I hope that you will see
Your poem affected not just others
But left a greater mark on me! 


c aaron