
To My Brother

I sit waiting

 staring at the tubes keeping you alive 

Listening to the sound of the machine 

Watching the way your chest rises and falls

in an unnatural way 

 I sit and I stare 

Not knowing if this is real 

Is this a nightmare?

Why can I not wake up?

Everything was a blur 

I sit 

Thinking of the night before

I had just spoken to you 

you told me you loved me 

Called me your dear little sister 

And held me dearly 

So I sit waiting for you to wake up 

To tell me everything will be ok 

I sit waiting for you to open your eyes 

I sit knowing you are no longer here

Knowing you no longer can hear my cry 

In a deep slumber 

Awaiting for the day you hear the call 

And I sit waiting 

Anxious to know if you will be awakened 

Anxious to tell you everything

Anxiously awaiting your return.

I sit waiting