My wife used to be a couch potato
The only exercise she got was to do her nails
Or to miserably climb on and off the scales
And occasionally eat an avocado
There were times when she would hoop
Or engage in a bit of Zumba
A little dance a little rumba
Hiding away in a little group
Never ever did she get up a sweat
Or raise the heartbeat above resting
Nothing ever was really too testing
Her calorie intake never under threat
Then she found she would try running
Using a little app on her phone
So she didn’t feel all alone
Her motivation, to look stunning
When she looked in the mirror
To be pleased what she saw
To stop being a dieting bore
To simply feel a little thinner
Well yesterday she did a 10k
In a time of 1 hour and 12 minutes
So good there are simply no limits
To what she can eat at the Chinese buffet.