
The Most Essential

I\'d rather be a poor man than be rich
I\'d rather dig myself out of the ditch
I\'ve had some painful struggles in my life 
I\'ve learned to veil the grief, allay the strife 
I\'ll never learn to conquer if I quit
I\'ll never learn to fight stress if I split
I\'ll never learn to hurdle if I sleep...
Then just sit out and mingle with the sheep
I\'ll never rule my rage if I can\'t tame... 
My passions, thoughts and feelings are to blame
A bridled horse is lifted with a rung
I want to learn the same trick with my tongue
I\'ll never know my Father if I stray, then
Close the gap once more, unless I pray 
I\'ll never learn compassion without love
To love my fellow man and Him above
The most essential features these last three
My fellow man, my God, and charity

c aaron