Poetic Dan

What being human is to me

The first time it happened I was very young
We caught a fish from the sea and it was given to me
Hit it over the head and we\'ll cook it back at the tent

I begin to swing down to end its life but it each time it just bounced off- wriggling for what\'s right

In the end I\'m saved my older brother just ened both our suffering, once it\'s done and I don\'t feel like I was causing any more pain.

Now back then I even thought that was so silly, it\'s a fish but now I see- that it\'s always ment more to me.

Life should not be taken! there is no need. To be human is to rise above all theses animalistic ideas.
Inside each living thing is a map to guide, be it how to eat, live, be social or explore, go it alone in the jungle of life, may be dive deep into the darkness of unknown.

We are the only thing here that can tap in and listen to each of their cores.
How to live in harmony and find progress to advance
Not pick ourselves off over an ethnicity or national dance

I\'ve got it now and I know my reality  problem is just me
Now every step moving forward is to look after all I see
It is no longer an issue just a solution to become and breath

It\'s all been done before
Talk of love and adore
No ego is a friend
Shadows are not play

But who talks about the pain
The ego that drove it away
The darkness in helping
Alone to remember no name

I\'m not saying I know it all
Deeper I ask to go
As to be human
Is rising above it all
Using life to reflect
Of the beauty in a soul