
A certain way of thinking

The poetry of society being lives interwoven like a warm blanket called community is ever so quickly fading into obscurity 

the last traces morfing,changing, mutating we should start differentiating bonds through community from group work mundanity this is not true unity this is cattle psychology 

mentally,physically, spiritually, literally we are all different we are all unique collaborating to function to reach our peak to reach a point where all can speak

and be heard not just heard but listened to every sentence every word where each voice matters and is not just considered mindless chatter

by the powers at be who’s only concern is to make a pretty penny

id like to say that this will all be achieved but unfortunately that’s what i used to believe, the trueth is we are all to stubborn we wont change our laws or how we govern

were too stuck in our ways reminiscing on better days that were delaying progression only focusing on succession 

who will carry on my name will i be remembered will i rise to fame or will i burst into flames and like the phoenix rise from the ashes who’s life inevitably crashes 

time and time again over and over you cross ur fingers for luck you wear a four leaf clover, but luck has no meaning when the game is fixed you can only get ahead if you rely on tricks

the hand you’ve been dealt has already been seen not by god or creator but by those behind the screens, they control the dice a metafor for your life you hope for a six but any number will suffice 

because in the end they always win your just more change in their pocket an extention to their grin 

a grin made of pain and suffering From the deprived when all these people are trying to do is survive 

this is The World we live in this is our reality every day that passes adds another casualty, not a casualty of war who faught till their last breath but a casualty of life who died a needless death 

The World would be fine if it werent for greed we could all be laughing, haveing fun smokeing weed. If it werent for greed The World would be fine we could all be jokeing laughing drinking wine 

we are being corrupted from what we used to be innocently childlike running wild and free 

those are the days that we cherish so dear but the memories are replaced over the years until all that is left is anguish and fear

for what comes next is a total mystery and by the end of our lives we crave simplicity. Too tired and worn out by the lives that weve lived and finally realised weve given all their is to give 

empty shells now theres nothing left we can barely move from this weight on top of our chests, heaving and strugling through our last days until we reach our final sleep six foot in our graves.