
I Can

When you are assembling the puzzle of your life
Two pieces stand out most important
For a bride it\'s her beau, for a gent it\'s his wife
And there are two words you never use… \"I can\'t\"
\"-I won\'t make you dinner-or-I won\'t fix your washer-\" 
Some overwhelmed spouses may chant
\"I\'m tired, I\'m pooped out, I just don\'t have time\"
But remember you never say, \"I can\'t\"

When poor wives are cleaning, watch kids and do laundry; 
Their hubs must display some compassion 
The fellows work hard, sometimes they\'re sweaty and tired; 
Dear darlings… Their food? Please don\'t ration
Amid all your crises, hardships, and hapless misfortunes, 
Pray, this one last appeal to me grant
Their request may be annoying, the task work a burden
But don\'t ever imply that you can\'t

Most of us are concerned about big #1…
OUR attire, OUR food, and OUR pleasures
Let\'s focus our time more on big #2…
For in fact they are our greatest treasures
Should we always insist that they do things our way? 
That\'s selfish and takes away vision
If we sacrifice and struggle to do things their way…
We\'ll coalesce and then work hard with precision

Take a step back and ponder, then swallow your pride, 
Because you both walk in the same direction
Don\'t inwardly battle to take the advantage, 
Better yet show them further affection
What a good spouse won\'t do to see their partner happy? 
To be honest? - My mind thinks of nothing
When your life-mate\'s in trouble, or sad or discouraged…
You\'ll be impassioned to do them the best thing! 

The key isn\'t muscles, or brain, ingenuity…
In fact it\'s not even ambition
The pivotal process to help your sweet partner 
Has much more to do with VOLITION
If you want to, you CAN…if you don\'t, then you CAN\'T-
See the whole thing is really quite simple
You CAN help each other, rub feet and scratch backs…
And foremost you CAN always be gentle! 


c aaron