I sit among my ancient ruins
And curse in stupid
In which I’m fluent
I wonder why I left my castle to crumble
And the thunder rumbles
Warning me to get out of here
But I stay
I’m throwing rocks against a hollow wall
Just so I can watch it fall
It crushes all my hopes and dreams
And everything that I believed was real
I bang my head against the pillars until my headache becomes killer cause
There’s really nothing left for me to save
I find the cigarette butts tossed into a tray of ashes
I can’t help but stare and keep on laughing
I’m going insane
I left my brain on top of a skid
I killed off my childhood memories
I used to be a happy kid
The lighting strikes the pole outside my broken towers
I stand and watch them collapse for hours
It’s getting cold but I just let it go
I’m surrounded by the tempest and I let it fill my empty chest
My ancient ruins keep on crumbling but I ain’t running
More water is leaking through the ceiling again
And I can feel the water dripping on my head
It’s kind of refreshing and I try catching drops for me to quench
And every breath I take reminds me of what I did to them
I remember that I sat and watch them all die off
I remember that I let myself give up too much
And I spend my life in fear because I don’t like being judged
And all the tiny voices that told me to keep going
I let them kill themselves and played their death scenes at a 6 o’clock showing
The storm got stronger and I pondered what I was living for
The people fled afraid to lose their homes and more
But I just sat there in my ancient ruins
Securing my grudges to keep my ceiling from hitting the floor
The people tried to save me but I made the choice to let them be ignored
They tried to drag me out as tears filled up my eyes
I screamed for them to leave me and to let me die
I was immovable and impossible to convince to move out of the storms way
So I’m sitting in my ancient ruins waiting for the storm to take me away
Which is almost useless because I’ve already done that to myself
I’ve created my own personal hell
I watch my ceiling drop in front of my knees
And accept the fact that it’s too late for me
And when I’ve dug my grave deep enough for the inner core to see
I climb right in and let the floods slowly drown me