
Hastings Remembered.

Once more the battle is remembered,

Nine hundred and fifty two years ago this day

The Normans came from the sea in boats of wood

To try to conquer the English.

Harold and his troops were there,

To stop the Normans,

Unfortunately so was Orchi,

So full of mischief, pork pies and sherry.

“Do you want water in that?” he said,

Pointing to my whisky.

I tried to hit him,

But he moved so fast,

Very fast for a man full of pork pies.

Harold came to us and spoke,

“Hello Goldie, can I have a scotch?”

“Of course you can Sire” I replied,

Orchi then spoke,

“Sire, what is that in the sky?”

Harold looked up and tragedy came,

As the arrow hit him in the eye

He spilled my scotch.

It was a good job Harold died,

As the wrath of Goldie at the spilled whisky

Would have ensured he would sing soprano

For the rest of his life.



“The Battle of Hastings, 14th October, 1066 – Orchi and I were there”