
Cloud Sitting.

I was sitting on My Cloud

Just pondering into nothingness

When God stopped by

“Can I sit next to you?” he asked

“It’s apparently your Universe,

So just do as you like!” I replied

He pulled up a cloud and sat down.

“My, my” he said, “You sound annoyed”

“You could say that!”

“What has caused this?”

“YOU HAVE!” I shouted.

“What have I done?”

“It’s what you haven’t done!

You don’t help my wife!

All her life she has sung your praises,

Helped others,

Believed in you,

Never done any harm to anybody,

And yet you will not help her!”

“What do you mean by that?” he replied,

“Do you not see her,

Does the Church not see her!

Her mind has gone!

Her body is ceasing to work!

Yet you cannot seem to see it,

Or you are ignoring it!”

“Of course I see it,

I see everything in the Universe” he said.

“Look at me” I replied,

“I do almost everything for her

And my strength is waning,

Others try to help,

But I am with her all the time

And see her losing her mind,

Losing her strength.

You say you see everything,

So you must see how we are suffering.

Why don’t you help us!”


No answer,

Came the stern reply!