

It use to be fun to spill ideas everywhere,
but now I dread having to wipe the mess

To envision your art on canvas requires the paint from the mind,
so if I’ve stopped painting, does that mean I’ve lost mine?

Instead of worrying about the clean up, I took out my brushes and let my right side do the work

I’m astonished that I’ve forgotten these lively colors,
I’m back in the zone, I haven\'t painted all summer


I like them but, scheduling laughs cuts into productivity,
and honestly, nothing funny happens within this confined square

Laughing is actually a communal thing,
it’s an experience meant to be shared

Instead of working alone all day and being serious, I watched a comedy with some friends

It’s here, it’s unstoppable, nothing can remove this smile
I’m rolling on the floor, I haven’t had a good laugh in awhile


I dread seeing beds like seeing a coffin,
with so much to do, going to sleep is like admitting defeat

Beds are suppose to bring peace,
and you should feel comfort when under the sheets

Instead of hanging about, I tried laying down and felt something amazing

The pillow supporting my head brings me to joyful tears,
this is so refreshing, I haven\'t slept in years