Poetic Dan

I feel the chains breaking

From the moment I was told that you don\'t pronounce the B in doubt
Was the time I began to build it within myself
Never could this click in my head, so special \"education\" I would get instead
This carried on throughout school feeling to stupid to keep up with them all

Then came the time at home
Being told big boys don\'t cry
But their falling from my eyes

I\'ve trapped myself inside myself and locked many doors
Slowly I\'ve been picking them to rid myself of flaws
Knowing it\'s okay to be scared and afraid to be yourself
There is happiness in going it alone
A marriage may of stopped but not gone
Out of that love came two shining lights
Breaking my own spell of self-sabotage

I\'ve not been abandoned or rejected
My children are teenagers standing by me
No longer I fear this vibration deep down
That holds the sounds of my howls

This chain I break knowing and accepting unconditionally myself
For the gift from others perspectives will no longer hurt they can only heal
This begins here and now so I write it, I post, even done a video truly asking for me to take my own advice...

Enjoy the journey while you are here
Live in love let go of fear