
Eucharist Envelopings

Tune: Coe Fen

(\'How shall I sing that majesty\')

Eucharist = Thanksgiving, Communion


We give you thanks that we may share

Lord, in this your fine fare

Your invite to Communion

Is open to each one

Here be forgiveness, restoring

Our worship we you bring

Bread and wine symbols true shown here

Of your great presence near


Inspire us as we here do feast

From greatest unto least

Realising a mystical

Union binds us all

Whate\'er our background, race, or age

Throughout each history page

You stay the same, Saviour of all

Will hear who on you call


O sweet delights, O heavenly tastes

For all, all types and states

Here may we come in humbleness

And you praise still and bless

Partaking of these elements

With wisdom, godly sense

Your work of redemption is done

You Christ, the Father\'s Son


Anointed One, makes atonement

You from the Father sent

Reconciling God unto man

And man to God, you can

Only do this, there none other

Human sister, brother

That can achieve salvation, for

You are Saviour e\'ermore


Stay not in state pitiful, lost

For Christ has paid the cost

For you to be forgiven, healed

And to the Father sealed

They who do know you, help them to

Share your gospel anew

Evangelising, witnessing

Other souls to you bring