
Chief garbage taster – Fifth Grade “Poetaster”

Henry Kline Boyer Elementary School
Evansburg, Pennsylvania
circa ~ 1969 ADD:
A(fter) D(umpster) D(diving).


As a Halloween
costume, that fifth year
literally dug up materials,
sans throw away wear
during grade school,

my father got veer
re: brilliant idea
for this sole son,
which found gritty
sanitation crew unclear

but right at home
on animal farm,
and/or role with
pigpen didst share
this original getup cost Peanuts,

but caused a big stink to rear
up dressed depleted oxygen, 

and many classmate didst swear
objectionable odor 

also induced eyes to tear.


Missus Shaner (the talon
clawed, shriveled queer
looking relic of a dinosaur,
who taught – for near
lee a millennium fifth grade)

gave me - up pair
of gooey (Paraguay)
“FAKE” genuine heir
looms (bone a fide kitchen
middens) artifacts mere

wrack que less originally care
lessly tossed out by
Aché and Sanapan

discovered in present
day capital, dear
lee benevolent holy city
steeped in prayer:
Nuestra Señora Santa
María de la

Authentic “FAKE” Central A mere
reek\'n (American) rank
and file putrid bare
lee tolerable plum
rancid rotten ancient

rubbish handily found
teacher to declare
me the putative winner
since everyone else
passed out from the fetid air.