
Hassled By Humans

Tune: Trentham

(\'Breathe on me, breath of God\')


O agitated heart

Calm again be your part

Though you must midst all humans live

And offer take-and-give* (*i.e. give-and-take)


When upset, offended

Graces seem from you hid

Remember Christ\'s example too

He suffered more than you


Though human attitude

May be anger renewed

Where made to feel worthless or small

Yet still on your Lord call


And offer forgiveness

Not hold to bitterness

Though be assertive, state your case

And grievance squarely face


Take courage, for respect

Basic, you should expect

And show it too to all you meet

In friendliness them greet


Make peace where\'er you can

With each child, woman, man

But if that peace be rejected

It turns back to your stead* 

(*i.e. turns back to you instead)


\'Tis how it is in life

Sometimes burdens and strife

Some folk we cannot please always

Through human life and days


Christ knows, He shared in this

In human nastiness

Yet friend of sinners, loves us all

Saves those who on Him call