
The Cure (Speech)

We must love our brother.

How can we love God,

If we cannot love,

our own brother?

It is impossible,

to love someone,

we cannot see,

if we cannot love,

someone we can see.

Hatred stirs up strife.

Evidence is needed for proof,

and the evidence for that proof,

is there.

There is no need,

to search for it.

For people hate out in the open.

They have no shame.

It is true that Christ took away,

our shame

when He was hated and crucified.

Still, when we are convicted,

of the slightest sin -

when we are convicted,

of falling back,

should we not feel shame,

or be ashamed of what,

we have done?

Yet, we see in today\'s fallen,

and falling, world,

the hatred.

Am I saying that I,

am totally against fighting?

No, I am not.

Am I saying that I,

am totally against defending one\'s self?

No, I am not.

Am I even totally against war?

No, I am not.

Some of the Bible\'s,

most righteous men were warriors.

Many of historie\'s Christians,

were valiant soldiers.

Still, this is what,

I have a problem with.

I have a problem,

with people thinking,

prejudism is alright -

thinking it is normal.

I have a problem,

with people not being able,

to identify themselves -

people who misrepresent themselves.

It pains me when people,

cannot find an ounce of,

humility within themselves.

If God could humble himself,

enough to come down to earth,

in the form of a man,

to take away our iniquities,

then can we not,

find an ounce of humility,

within ourselves,

to be kind to our neighbor?

When a man is on death-row,

is it not customary to offer him,

a last meal of his choice,

and isn\'t he allowed his final words?

Christ\'s final commandment,

before He fulfilled the law -

before he died,

before he gave up the ghost,

was that we love our neighbors,

as we love ourselves.

Do we not owe Him,

at LEAST that much?

Hatred is like,


hatred is a cancer.

It silently and slowly,

eats away at your spirit.

Then it eats away at your soul.

Then it kills by physically,

eating away at the rest of your body.

I know because I beat that cancer,

by the grace of Christ Jesus,

who replaced that hatred.

I know because I hated.

Growing up,

I was a part of the revolution.

I believed in what I was doing.

I believed there was a means,

to selling drugs, killing, robbing,

hating the police.

Yet, I had,

a pain inside me.

I wondered what,

that pain inside me was.

It was not the truth.

Thankfully, I saw the truth.

Now I have the truth.

Now I can testify,

on behalf of God,

and His holy word.

So I was friends with hatred.

So I know it\'s affects on others.

It is one of the devil\'s,

most power weapons of mass destruction,

and he will not relinquish,

such a powerful and effective weapon,

any time soon.

Thankfully, there is,

an easy cure for hatred,

and that is the acceptance,

of Christ Jesus.