Kurt Philip Behm

Unable To Speak

Trying to make the poetry prose

Or the prose poetic again

I insulted the meaning

With juxtaposition

Stabbing an idea

That should have been shot

Killing a verse

That should have been saved

Thinking the truth

While uttering a lie

Forming the words

  —unable to speak


(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2014)



All Promise Gone


For the lack of one letter,

  the word could not form


For the lack of one word,

  the entire sentence was wrong


For the lack of one sentence,

  the paragraph went astray


For the lack of one paragraph,

  the page lay undone


For the lack of one page,

  the chapter could not end


For the lack of one chapter,

  the book was now lost


For the lack of one book,

  its message unwritten


For the lack of one book

  —all promise was gone


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2014)



As The World Turns


When the world turns

   on a whisper


Why do we insist on



(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2014)