I\'m knocking down walls from deep inside,
The thoughts and feelings I hide behind.
I am so deeply sorry to all who I love.
I share my parents faces now,
My hand fits the glove.
The anger of my father,
I feel it run through my veins.
My mother\'s insensitivity is planted into my brain.
I\'ve turned into someone so mean, spiteful and bitter.
The thoughts gets under my skin and festers like a chigger.
Trust me when I say that I want to change,
but a part of me is addicted to the emotional pain.
I do this to myself and also to others,
Sitting in my emotions until it smothers.
How did it get this bad?
What have I done?
A mess of a person is what I\'ve become.
I truly hate myself and how I am.
Is this me now?
I am now a scam.