
His Wind on Her Sea


Catastrophically it always ensues...that craving for her

Like when the night’s late and you’re starving for sleep but bright is the light that stretches through your eyelids

I told her better keep on eye on me

I will come at you like a raging sea

But believe, the right angled breeze, even from a butterflies wing can crush the very crash of me

Rough this sea can be, tame it’s not, lame it’s much-at times-it claims the walls that hide her with surges accidental

Yes, you’ll have to keep an eye on me

And closely it seems, to see the lack of need in rebuilding


The name given by-she-sometimes looks at me and feels the sorrows-I must be-tumbling, painfully...if you ask me banefully believing that my crazy tides disguise sands that I hide

No...not my sands do I hide with tides from her

These sands I want held in her hands

As hard as that may be

For my crashing waves can spread the wings of the one’s that flee

Without clinched hands pouring through her fingers they will be she loves to sit by her sea

But needs clean streams to submerge her emotion

Those slippery rocks bother not her feet

Meet her calm need and maybe, she’ll make it back to see

That untamed...builder of its own shame

But if she would...could

See this sea

This real sea though

This real me though

Then she’d really know, those streams she needs to fill her needs

Are the same streams flowing life into me

Push past the mud and rocks, where docks are full of boats with nets and knots

And you’ll find the end where it begins

Where all those streaming veins reunirse into the sea

Into the heart part of me

Where I ripple and crash and I’m salty, I’m sorry

It always made her eyes cry

And my depths she’s scared to swim at times

For it’s difficult to see it’s still me underneath

As hard as the taming of me may seem

I need her just to move

You see...she’s my breeze

You know the one that gets knocked to her knees and then blows up storms that topple the strongest of trees

That’s Jolene

I can not move apart from her mood

Trees may fall and waves get tall

And we could, together end it all, but see...

My Jolene...

She’s the only breeze that can calm and tame

This sea that is me


                              William Brandon Mulkey