
Our Thoughts

I see her,

and I know that I cannot act.

She sees me,

and knows that she cannot act.

We both have,

similar thoughts of one another.

When I see her,

from a distance,

I see her two breasts,

as beautiful smooth hills,

with a crease.

As I talk to her,

I smell her beautiful light skin.

It is beautiful,

from being in the sun.

Your long brown hair is beautiful.

When we are,

away from one another,

we have the same thoughts.

I undress you with my thoughts.

I take of your clothes,

and slowly lay you on my bed.

- your beautiful height

- your beautiful body

Our skin rubs against each other.

Yet, you wonder of,

my love for you.

I assure it with a kiss.

Oh, how we love each other.

Finally after our wedding,

we may act.

Our thoughts manifest themselves.