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Aborting my children has made my life nill, I should of known better I know not to kill. How could I do this to innocent souls and to take the piss more the souls were my own . I thought by getting caught and giving her life would make it all better but still things ain\'t right. I scream that I\'m righteous in so many ways... I laid blame I see through a rose tinted gaze. I\'ve asked for forgiveness... the answer is no, the furthermore question is to stay of to go. Some part of me feels sorry for me an excuse I was young and could not yet see the truth behind my selfish lies. I know for most part the devils inside. It\'s destroyed my life and everyone I love and truth be told I don\'t give a fuck. I\'m selfish i cry in hope for forgiveness i killed two baby\'s and god is my witness. I\'m tired of pain guilt and failure. Everyday is a battle with myself.... but the tears are proof I\'m still top of my shelf. The best thing to do is let them all live! For why should they pay for the sick shit I did! The sad thing is they can\'t live without me... so I ask to cloud  my sins till judgment day to give them a shot what do you say???

Keir Alexandra Harvey