Kurt Philip Behm

The Mask (+5)

The enemy of my enemy…

  often masquerades as my friend


(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2014)



Free Of Blame


In the shoals of the lake

  a deeper truth was buried


It waded ashore

  when your memory was parched


Irrigating a message

  long ago forgotten


Returning your forgiveness

  —washed free of blame


(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2014)



Only Two Ways


There are only two ways

  to become immortal


One is to become a warrior

  —the other a writer



(Villanova Pennsylvania:  Watching ‘The Last Samurai,’ October, 2014)



Armed & Dangerous


My thoughts are my weapons,

  my pen is my sword


My will is my whetstone,

  my Knighthood

    —my Lord


(Villanova Pennsylvania: November, 2014)



In The Abstract


The evolution of


More art

Than science

Its measure and


Astounding mankind

From the very first day

If such a thing

Even exists

It is only in the abstract

  —neither visceral nor sublime


(Villanova Pennsylvania: December, 2014)



Waiting To Exhale


What I knew before birth

 I will know after death


This slight pause called life

  —where the soul takes a breath


(Villanova Pennsylvania: November, 2018)