

At the time, It was only a dream 

Well at least to me that\'s how it seem 

A rainbow clear as day, so beautiful my soul did scream 

Woke up only to think, dam my imagination is so extreme 

But I knew the presence of those colors was deep, n it wasn\'t until now, I know what it mean 

My spirit guides in the flesh, showing me whose been the superheroes on my team 

Beautiful revelation that really boosted my spiritual self esteem

Now I beam  


7 colors of the rainbow, each one, my spiritual guide 

So What I thought was just angel numbers, was my 7 chakras that live inside 

And it Wasn\'t until fully open, my 3rd eye that help me spy 

They made their presence known, no longer they had to hide 

Cuz I knew exactly why 

I was Ina mental state deep in vibrations, vibrations that made me fly 

I mediated my way back home, drifted, as I floated straight to the sky 

Found myself sitting on top the moon, then we became one, the moon n I 

Real story, this ain\'t no lie 

DMT was dripping down my spine, can you imagine the spiritual high

Kundalini truly activated, oh my oh my oh my 

Was all I could say 

As my serpent came out to play

Up n down around and around, ascending n descending, tasting each chakra as its prey 

I swear I will never forget that day 

I became one with myself, combined my light n dark, for that  was the only way

To see myself in my true form, my highest form, now the moon is where I lay