
Haunting Intrigue Stoked

Though the necks

sighting of Ichabod Crane

humungous horror

helplessly harassing,

hellish hyena howling,

hideously hounding,

headless Halloween

hair raising happening,

regarding haunting

horseman spectre,

not due to arrive

(in gremlin, golem, and

goblin crawling theaters

everywhere in outer limits

of twilight zone),

come October thirty first

two thousand, and nineteen

divination trap

pings can never

be implemented overly

soon - to satiate subhuman

scary sightings,

sans mine ineluctable

supernatural drive

biz ease, this (gopher broke,

phantasmagoric over seer

grown wunderkind,

passionately rousing spooks,

where this droning

necromancer named

Matthew Scott Harris),

asper undertaking

luckless ghostly endeavors

also oft times finds

meat hoo experiencing

aborted, cancelled and retried

aim mush carriage

(i.e. thwarted, ejected,

and clobbered miscarriage)

off base when out fielding

paranormal activities,

qua catcher catch can

pseudo boxing

exaggerated shadows

striking mine attenuated,

elongated, and invoked

Hades monstrous silhouettes,

viz jugular vein bleeding

(heart liberal)

burnt umber umbra

pitching one dimensional

brokered, bricked,

and bracketed

wall size grotesqueries

detailing bloodless battles

silently creaking within republic

of my imagination.