A.H. Browning

Alone and With You

Life is...

Beautiful, unpleasant

Magnificent, messy

Dangerous, untroubled

Wonderful, frightening

Misery and mirth

With and without

Beginning and ending

Grand and barren

Lonely and belonging

Hopeful and despairing

Loving and hating

Unkind and forgiving

Waiting and wondering

Lengthy and fleeting

Prospering and perishing

Ravaged and mended

Longing and loathing

Too much and too little

Too long and too short


And I feel

Life alone

Is quite



Life is...

Often confusing

Funny and sad

Laughing and heartache

Plain and profound

Damned if I do

And damned if I don\'t

Sunny and somber

Empty and full

Struggling, succeeding

For better or worse

Blessed and cursed

Blissful and painful

Tormented and joyous

Hoping and doubting

Breathtaking and boring

Winning and losing

Dreaming and coping

Futile and cherished

So dark and so bright


And I know

Life with you

Is truly
