
Orchi and Guy Fawkes.

Well we were there,

Orchi and I,

Under the Houses of Parliament,

Robert Catesby had invited us.

We were in the pub,

Me drinking my scotch


Orchi was drinking his sherry,

And stroking his dog

When Robert came in.

“Do you want to join me,

Join me for a lark?”

Before I could answer

Orchi’s dog went “woof,woof”,

So I knew something rude

Was going to be said.

Orchi butted in

And said “Of course we will,

As long as it doesn’t make me swoon”.

So off we went,

We crept beneath parliament,

And there sitting on a pile,

A pile of gunpowder,

Was Orchi’s old mate Guy,

Guy Fawkes.

“HELLO GUY!!” Orchi shouted,

And that was it.

Orchi shouting so loud

That his dog started barking,

The guards woke up and came to us.

Being a shadow I hid,

Orchi climbed on the back of his dog

And they ran away,

With Robert holding on to the dogs tail.

So Guy was caught and blamed and died.

But I blame Orchi

As we still have the parliament,

The building is fine

But the people in it aren’t.


“How do you know when a politician is lying?”

“Their lips move!”