
One-Hundred Years Ago

In two more days,

we can celebrate.

- Not thanksgiving.

- Not day light savings time.

- Not veterans day.

It will be,

one-hundred years,

since God decided,

not to destroy the earth.

One-hundred years ago,

World War I ended,

and it was a sign,

of a new birth.

Sure, it was followed,

by World War II,

and most might think,

it was worse.

Still, World War I was full,

of different lands,

with new armies,

new uniforms,

and new weapons,

and a holy war,

also came from the first.

There were changes,

in every way

(A reformation,

if you will).

So remember what happen,

to the world,

one-hundred years ago.

Remember how God spared us,

and in fifteen years,

I might write about,

the end of World War II,

and what happened,

after that show.