O.G. Tone

We are humankind not PERFECT as ...GOD!!!

Bad little secrets are meant for know one

To ever hear 

But to whom ever you  Choose to tell

A damn lie is always to be questioned 

The velocity which it feel from

Its obscurity almost 

Had the pleasure of ruining my

Inter life force

But by the grace of God 

I am still a decent human being 

I over came being victimized  once in my life

I always make it a Natural habit 

To listen to every potential lie

Twice before convincing myself 

That its worthless bullshit 

I am know idiot 

Amongst all thick fog is dampness 

Behind eternal darkness is death

Above all man is God

There is know one person beneath me

We are all created equal 

So why do I suffer in pain

Agony is for the hopeless 

In defeated

My mind is one thing

Being tormented is another 

People are such conniving back stabbers

They fail to take rightful 

Measures against a wrongful conviction 

Thus  implying tactics

Encouragement in a written consent 

I can\'t speak for everyone 

 But every single day I wake up

I am leaving in Hell

I know when we die we go somewhere 

I know there is a Heaven 

The sky can\'t be this blue

Without out the help from above

My faith has always carried my spirit 

Therefore elevating my thoughts 

To another space in time 

I have paid the cost tho 

Nothing good ever seems right anymore 

And vice versa 

So why do anyone care so much about anything 

I don\'t know any more 

I only hope the future predicts better things 

I may never tell one person every detail of my life

Some bad secrets have to die not  ever

Being exposed 

It\'s okay if one tiny white lie slips out

Every now in then

You hold the key to the greatest secret tho

We must all realize one thing

We are humankind not PERFECT like God