
The Sea of Harmony.

The beach stands before me

Unmarked by time or tide.

I walk along it

My footprints showing my way

As I move into my untrodden future.

Each step a new time in my life,

A time of joy and wonder,

Of joy and wonder of the unknown.

I look back and see my footprints

Of my past life,

The distant ones barely seen

As my memory fades with time.

I look out to the sea,

There is the Universe of my life,

So large, so impossible to imagine.

I will be there one day

With all that have gone before me,

Living in a world of love and peace.

I look ahead once more

And there in the distance

I see My River’s end as it joins the sea,

That place where My Spirit,

With My River

Will join the Sea of Love,

The Sea of Peace,

The Sea of Harmony.