Kurt Philip Behm

The Beginning Of The End (+7)

I saw the end

  in the beginning

  at the beginning

  of the end


I wrote the final chapter

  before the preface

  with nothing left

  to send


I walked a thousand miles

  before sitting down

  then walked a thousand miles



To reach the end of

  the beginning

  the beginning of

  the end


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)



Only To The Brave


Utopia belongs to the fleet of heart,

  but the truth

   —only to the brave


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)




The Present Burns


To live beyond the moment

Looking out, not looking in

The future lies to the past

  —as the present burns


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)



Musings Reborn


Looking in places

Beyond my discomfort


Searching again


For that Poem to tie

All the meanings together

Making sense

Of a rainbow unbent


Giving up to the music

Beyond sight of the flame

Where disorder

Now rules the day


A word becomes fertile

In the womb of my memory

And my musings reborn

  —once again


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)



Without The Other


Life without death

  joy without pain


No reference, no bearing

  no loss—and no gain


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)




Death Becomes Near


A window stays open

  as each doorway is shut


My vision more focused

  through a lens old and stuck


The horizon now centered

  its pathway so clear


All intention a laser

  —as death becomes near


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)



Beyond The End


Turning words into feelings

  all description must die


The music taking over

  earth kissing the sky


Turning words into feelings

  we begin once again


Beyond all destination

  —beyond all journey’s end


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)



First Destiny Called


Laid solid with words

  the writers stone

A fortress was columned

  my only real home


The poetry was safe there

  it stammered and tried

As my feelings unbridled

  from the outsiders lies


Each year added layers

  to this home of the verse

My thoughts never silenced

  or my feelings there terse


All that’s needed to go there

  …unfettered belief

All that’s needed to know

  is that time is the thief


My vision unshaken

  from this chair with two wheels

The advice from the experts

  “to wither and yield”


But my place more than sacred

  an invincible throne

Independent of body

  times seed to unsow


And the moment before

  I take my last breath

I will enter forever

  where before I had left


The trumpets will sound

  as immortality calls

To that space then my refuge

  the sum of it all


As the memories unreason

  the facts storm again

But the tents of my solitude

  keep out their wind


For generations that follow

  and their children that ask

This place I now dwell in

  for all hard and fast


Just believe in its message

  and its fortune to change

Just believe in transcendence

  with all things the same


Until the day that that final

  trumpet may blow

And all that you’ve loved

  is all there’s to know


Your message then solid

  as the door opens wide

And those moments you’ve gifted

  to the heavens arrive


And the joy that you feel

  thinking back on it all

From that place deep inside

 —where first destiny called


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)