
To whom these words may belong

I am the sum of today\'s words

Scattered carelessly on your open page

Sometimes I am less than that

Shall you decide the value, of my poet\'s exchange? 


Who knows my origins or final resting place?

Nothing more than casting ink blots centre-stage? 

Is it all about me, my crimes set to rhyme?

Without you I am Nothing! Words locked inside my cage.


Mouth locked. Body stopped.

Mind a whirling haze.

Stab your insight in my chest.

So begins a brand new phase.


Did I set forth this rainfall

Pitter patter of puddles on your floor

Am I compelled by my own self?

Or as rain to river flows, is there something more? 


More than nothing and endlessness?

More than reaching and fleeting dreams?

Without you will my words dry up?

Or flood your dams and streams? 


I fear since we unleashed the heavens

Words will fall forever more

Waiting for the world to notice

To hear this ocean\'s roar

And ask me of these words

Are they mine or are they yours?