
Truth Tellings

Tune: Louvan

(\'Lord of all being, throned afar\')

John 18 v.34-38


John\'s Gospel Series (23)


Pilate called Jesus at His trial

Speak to me, speak a little while

Are you the King of the Jews, yes?

Will you now unto me confess?


Jesus said, My kingdom, it is

Not of this world, see here, see this

If my kingdom of this world ere

My servants would fight, their hearts stir


Would fight so that I would not be

Delivered to the Jews, this see

But now my kingdom it be not

Worldly, but a heavenly lot


Pilate then said, Are you a king?

Jesus said, You says so, does ring

True, for to this end I was born

Upon that incarnation morn


To this end and for this cause I

Came into the world, not deny

That I should bear witness unto

The truth, and the Father\'s will do


Everyone that of the truth is

Hears my voice, and does not it miss

Pilate said, What is truth? and he

[Was] Assured Jesus innocent be