
This is the last one about you

This feeling is so amazing

It makes me smile for no reason at random times

My heart beats faster the longer time goes on

I\'m terrified of losing it... Terrified of losing you

Those were the thoughts running through my head

Every single time I was with you, every time you

would touch me, kiss me, be around me

Those moments were worth all the pain I had felt up until then

Because with you I wasn\'t dreaming anymore...

I was actually living

It felt like you and I were the greatest plan

God knows I loved you with every single cell in my body

But I couldn\'t handle the pain I felt when

you decided we weren\'t the greatest plan after all

 It was too much for me, on top of what just had happened to me

And so I hated you

I hated every single thing you said up until

that moment, the moment when it was all over 

Where everything I had ever wanted shattered right in front of me 

I hated seeing you

I hated not hugging you

I hated not kissing you

I hated the fact that I had to pretend you didn\'t exist 

I hated walking past you avoiding your eye contact 

I hated that you said you missed me

I hated that you apologized 

I hated that you said you still loved me 

Because I still loved you

And I hated myself for still loving you

Every single time I said that to you

I meant it.

I really did love you 

And.. Maybe I still do

But that doesn\'t matter anymore

I can\'t be with you

You\'re not mine.

You never really were mine

You and I will never happen again

Simply because I refuse to let it happen

I can\'t keep loving you

But I can\'t seem to stop

So I can never see you again

Or talk to you again

I have to pretend you and I never happened

For my own good

So that I can love someone

That truly truly

loves me back... Unlike you.