
Pitch Black Abuse

Pitch Black Abuse 


Childhoods are cherished by most it’s true. 

Others are scarred by darkness ensued. 

Darkened room with wall of ears. 

Illicit stories from over the years

Hand front of face it can’t be seen. 

Under darkness occurs a disturbing scene. 


Supposedly safe this institute 

still a child’s voice is  firmly on mute. 

Protection was lost to a child so young

Position too trust not bite your tongue. 

An enjoyable day is how it was said

voices heard from a strangers bed

Safety and comfort are so far away 

Forced to do what the abusers say


Broken in mind with trust issues too 

Adults need answers why me and not you. 

Barriers go up but some break down

Suicide, anxiety in darkness they drown. 

So what of these monsters in society today 

Twisting their evil to abuse again


But the abused are braver and silent no more

Helping authorities to knock evils door 

Justice no solace for horrors endured 

Broken no more cause finally heard