
Eternal Home

Tune: St Helen

(\'Lord of Lords and King eternal\')

Revelation 22 v.1-5


Here seen pure river of water

\'Tis water of life for sure

Clear as crystal, it proceeding

Out of the throne, let all sing

The throne of God and of the Lamb

Nothing can its free flow dam


In middle of holy city

And on sides of river be

Tree of life, twelve fruits it bears there

Fruit each month for all to share

Leaves of tree for nation\'s healing

Fullness, wholeness they do bring


There be no more curse, but the throne

Of God there, His reign is known

And throne of the Lamb there too is

His servants serve Him, true bliss

They shall see His face, rejoicing

He Lord over everything


And His name writ on their foreheads

They be in eternal steads* (*dwellings)

And no night there, nor no candle

The Lord God gives them light all

Neither need of light for sun for

They reign with God, Light e\'ermore


So inspire us, our true homeland

It so be, promises grand

Lift us from all earth-bound longing

Lord, may you e\'er be our song

\'Til we come by your good grace to

Ever live and be with you