
Life Of A Canine Named \"Pooch”...

Equally Worthy As Mine

No explanation why,
the following unpleasant memory

shocked this systemofadown human vie

bur rent lee, suddenly, and oppressively

as if...a heavy object

fell from the sky

knocking render yours truly

into a crash test dummy

tail spinning vertigo,

where the soul of this guy

at this moment, when

the following misdeed

occurred well nigh

many werewolf full

moons ago, hence a sigh

leant echo with matthew scott

till he doth die!

Nonetheless, to my

dying day I cannot

forget, nor allow

un paw din nub bull sub woofing,

recollection, yet try as I might ow

(the psychological pain

still rubbed red

dully bone raw),

where ring around

the collar of

this paw - pow

whir fully, doggedly,

grudgingly, now

fines me to em bark

with a shrill bow wow

impossibly (even

incrementally) forgive

thy then girlfriend, now

spouse of approximately

deux dozen plus

years Oh my

DOG - \"holy cow\"

forsaking the beautiful

faithful, and loyal \"purportedly

man\'s beast friend,\"

and ideal chow

mate, upon venting still

smoldering grief

when said wife

egregiously, heartlessly, and

indiscriminately, (though not

deliberately) evoked strife

(cross) be still finds me gnashing,

where emotional grief rife

this closing November 19th, 2018

analogous to a serrated knife

tearing, stabbing, ripping,

and gnaw zee ate

ting lee wreck conning

this melon collie life

of mine, no more valuable,

than a unconditionally loving

creature \"put down\"

at the Chester County S.P.C.A.

leaving this aging puppy

with an indelible frown,

which sad recollection

unleashes sorrow every noun

and again, which

unrelenting hounding

agony, asper an non

healing wound tantamount

to unsolved killings

haunting ghost town.