
\"What is\" Free-Verse Poem


This world is a dream

If you really think about it

You can do anything you want

Yet the choice is never really yours


That’s how a dream works right?

You can’t control what happens

But the limits of what could are boundless


People would probably think I’m crazy

I bet you at this very moment do

Am I really crazy?


Maybe I am

But I believe everyone is

No one agrees with everything

Therefore who’s actually right?


The answer is no one is

But is that even true?

Life is a mystery

So why does it matter?


Personally I think nothing does

We only make them that way

There is no right or wrong

Just how people view it


I believe in things

Doesn’t make them true

Truth is majority thought

Not accuracy


Dreaming of what could be

But why waste the time

You can try everything

Yet end with nothing


We all die eventually

So nothing is concrete

Our choices don’t matter

At least not in truth


They matter to you

And they matter to others

But do they matter to the universe?


We are all just here

“Floating” about

Part of something bigger

Or part of nothing at all


We may not even exist

Just someone’s imagination

There is no impossibility

Only what we see


Am I screwing with your mind yet?

Am I even making sense?

You don’t have to answer that

But you can if you want


Darkness is light

And light is darkness

Do you agree?

Again does it matter?


Ultimately it all matters

But at the same time it doesn\'t

Because we have no clue what’s real

And what isn’t


People probably won’t like this poem

Those that do are just as crazy as me

It’s really just rambling

About things that the world believes


So what is the point in all this

Well the truth is

There isn\'t one


Life is just life

And you can live it how you want

People won\'t always agree

But it isn\'t up to them